Whats the best free junk file cleaner online to use
Whats the best free junk file cleaner online to use

whats the best free junk file cleaner online to use

#Whats the best free junk file cleaner online to use Pc

Let’s say you want to clean your PC just like a PC cleaner would. Most people shouldn’t have to worry about defragmenting their hard drives anymore. You can fix this by running the Disk Defragmenter tool included with Windows - the Disk Defragmenter runs automatically on a schedule, anyway.

whats the best free junk file cleaner online to use

Yes, your computer can be slow because its file system is fragmented.

whats the best free junk file cleaner online to use

Registry entries are generally not a problem - there’s a reason Microsoft once created a registry cleaner of their own before discontinuing it and advising people not to use registry cleaners. Temporary files are not slowing down your computer, and neither are browser history entries or cookies. Now that they’ve scared you, this is the part where you would take out your credit card and give them $39.99 to clean your PC. For comparison, the Windows Disk Defragmenter tells us we have 2% fragmentation. M圜leanPC is measuring fragmentation based on the number of fragmented files, leading to a scary-looking 21.33% data fragmentation statistic. Every fragmented file counts as a single issue.Our registry can be compacted a bit, but this shouldn’t make a noticeable different in performance.Invalid registry entries are considered issues, although they shouldn’t actually slow down your computer.Every temporary file counts as a single issue, no matter how tiny it is.Every browser cookie and history entry counts as a single issue.That’s an extremely alarming number - but what exactly is an issue? M圜leanPC offers a “free diagnosis,” which is little more than an attempt to scare people into thinking their computers have thousands of “issues” that can be fixed for an easy $39.99 payment.Īfter running a scan, you’ll see an alarming count of the number of problems on your computer.

Whats the best free junk file cleaner online to use